Jonathan Chambers has been working in the transport industry for over twenty years, within Expert Logistics.
In 2010 Jon became the first person within Expert Logistics to create his own multi-crew company that sub-contracts to AO - a leading UK appliance company. Jon now runs this company, JFC Transport Solutions Ltd. alongside his wife, Kelly Chambers.
Jon started with 3 employees, that has grown to 15-35.
Below we ask him some questions:
1. Give me one word that describes you best.
- Driven.
2. How do think your employees would describe you?
- I would like to think they see me as approachable, understanding, and grounded.
3. What has been JFC Transport Solution's biggest achievement?
- I think managing to expand 3 fold during the recent pandemic.
4. What has been your greatest career disappointment and how did you learn from it?
- Probably going into a business partnership with a wholly unsuitable partner. The lesson learned was in my view, partnerships outside of family are not worth the hassle.
5. How do you prepare for major industry changes/problems?
- I don't think you can prepare. I think you have to move with the ever-changing dynamic of the industry and adapt when necessary.
6. Do you wish to expand JFC?
- Absolutely. We are currently working on a campaign to propel JFC into the digital age.
7. What are three things your drivers can do to stand out to you?
- Personal presentation
- Customer service skills
- Empathy and understanding of fellow colleagues
8. What kind of behavior do you expect from your employees?
- I expect all drivers to represent the company to the very best of their ability, to always be smart, polite, and sympathetic to customers' needs and expectations.
9. How do you build rapport within the management team at Expert Logistics?
- I like to think I have an excellent relationship with the upper management team within Expert Logistics. This relationship has been built up over many years and I think it has been achieved by ensuring JFC is on hand 24/7 to assist with any situation that may arise.
10. What do you think makes you a good CEO?
I am
- Reliable
- Driven
- Empathetic
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